Our Mission

Share hope. Empower families. Inspire restoration.

The vision at Community Pregnancy Center is to share the hope of Jesus Christ
as we see lives saved and families restored.


Our Core Values

 • Share the gospel with all clients
 • Provide clients with accurate information about pregnancy and abortion
 • Display integrity at all times
 • Provide assistance emotionally, physically, and spiritually

Support Us

We are staffed mostly by volunteers and are supported by local churches, businesses, and caring people in the community who want our clients to know that they are not alone, and there is hope even in a situation that may seem hopeless.

Community Pregnancy Center of Pasadena is a 501 (c)3 corporation, and all of your donations are tax-deductible, per the IRS Tax Code.

Thank you for visiting our website. If you have questions, you can reach our Executive Director, Bobbie Zamminer at 713-944-1730 or email her at bobbie@cpcpasadena.org

Make a Donation


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Giving Online

It’s as simple as clicking a button to make a difference for life at CPC Pasadena.  Use the form above to submit an online gift.  Your donation is tax-deductible and greatly appreciated!

Giving By Check

Mail your check to:

Community Pregnancy Center of Pasadena
4230 Vista Road
Pasadena, TX 77504

Your donation is tax-deductible and greatly appreciated!

How Donations Are Used

Donations to the Pregnancy Center are used to continue the life-saving, life-changing services provided by the Community Pregnancy Center of Pasadena.